Wednesday, December 25, 2024

A Year In Gaming - 2024

A very Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it, and Happy Holidays to everyone else!

Once again, another year has passed, which gives me a chance to look back at my involvement in the hobby

As always, we start with the games played:

  • 'O' Group - 1
  • Downsync - 1
  • General d'Armee - 2
  • Pickett's Charge - 1
  • Pike & Shotte - 1
  • Rapid Fire Reloaded - 2
  • Wars of Such Magnitude - 1
Wow! Nine games in total. That's a somewhat dismal showing compared to previous years. 

Reflecting on this, the lack of games comes from several factors. This has been an incredibly busy year for me personally. Some major trips and life changes (like getting married!) meant I had to juggle my schedule and put gaming on the back burner. I also don't have the same regularity of gaming that I had while I was back in New Jersey. With Ted's hosting and the SJGA's monthly meetings, I was pretty much guaranteed three to five games per month. And Cold Barrage was the only convention I was able to attend. 

I do have a hope to increase these numbers, either by getting involved more locally or setting up a gaming space. 

My painting numbers are somewhat more comforting:
  • 6mm Monsters - 21
  • 6mm Infantry - 76
  • 15mm Vehicles - 3
  • 15mm Vehicle - 4
  • 15mm Infantry - 340
  • 15mm Equipment - 7
  • 15mm Cavalry - 6
  • 15mm Artillery - 8
15mm continues to dominate as my go-to scale, mostly thanks to the Napoleonic and WWII projects. 6mm sneaks in thanks to Starship Troopers: Sector Sweep.

And no 28mm at all this year! I think that's a first ever since I started tracking my painting progress back in 2017.

To round out the post, here's a look at the games I played. I'm looking forward to more gaming in 2025!

'O' Group 


General d'Armee

Pickett's Charge

Pike & Shotte

Rapid Fire Reloaded

Wars of Such Magnitude

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