Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Painting Update - Quar, Napoleonics

 I've been away from the hobby for a bit, but I'm back to painting! Here's what I finished.

I decided to work on the Crusader company first for my Quar 15mm project; Here's the Company Command Squad. They're wonderfully characterful models, especially the pistol-wielding Caerten and the "musician" carrying a gramophone.

One of the models in the Command Squad is a Pykpyk handler (pykpyks being small furry squirrel-like mammals that the quar use to relay messages to squads). The 15mm rules use these animals as a means to issue orders.

Rounding out the basic Crusader company is a weapon squad, which adds both anti-infantry and anti-tractor firepower via H-11a LMGs and Splagen torpedoes (the Quar version of a rocket-propelled grenade). 

I also, finally, picked the Napoleonics project back up, finishing a couple batteries of foot artillery. 

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